Miles Kate

Material Girl.

We come to this world pure and free. Our parents

We work to live. We do not live to work.

Imagine yourself well into retirement. You no longer work for

Money is just a by-product.

Getting rich is not easy. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication. However with the right approach in mind everyone can get there. In this article I share my personal formula that helped me and millions of people become financially independent and enjoy the life we desire.

Meg Whitmann's nine-point personal philosophy.

Meg Whitmann's nin-point philosophy

Email management system that actually works.

A simple four step process to regain control of your mailbox.

Navigating the Maze: A Guide on How to Manage Office Politics

Office politics can be likened to a complex maze, filled

Optimizing Your Email Inbox for Efficiency and Productivity

In today's fast-paced digital world, managing an overflowing

Do not waste your time in meetings !

Simple tricks to help you manage your business

Manage your emails effectively.

I am an advocate of an order; I like a

Stop trying to overdeliver!

One thing that managers and leaders dislike the most are